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What is the Right Active Substance for My Disinfectant?

A few weeks ago, we published a 5-step guide on how to choose the right disinfectant in the market, in which we mentioned the efficacy and material compatibility of a disinfectant. This is largely dependent on the disinfectant’s active substance, the main component which gives the disinfectant its biocidal activity. Here, we compare the most...

A Disinfectant Manufacturer’s Guide to Claim “Effective Against Coronavirus”

“Effective against coronavirus.” — The statement we’ve all been naturally scouting for from top to bottom off of disinfectant labels during this COVID-19 pandemic. How can disinfectant manufacturers claim that their product is effective against coronavirus and other viruses? Are some viruses generally more resistant to disinfectants? To begin, let us get an understanding of...

How to Choose the Right Disinfectant in the Market?

Are you having problems choosing the right disinfectant, whether for personal use, or in a domestic or healthcare facility? The COVID-19 outbreak has fueled a demand in disinfectants, creating a spike in the disinfectant production sector and it’s availability to the global market. Here are 5 easy steps to help you select the right disinfectant...