Evaluation of physical, chemical & antimicrobial stability

Disinfectants in storage go through changes as they age, but they are considered to be stable and fit for use as long as their characteristics remain within the manufacturer’s specifications. Hence, it is vital to determine the stability of disinfectants by performing shelf-life studies.

The shelf life of a disinfectant is assessed by:

1. Real-Time Study

  • Product is aged at the recommended storage temperature.
  • The aged product is compared to a fresh product to determine its stability.

2. Accelerated Study

  • Product is aged at an elevated temperature to accelerate the aging process.
  • The aged product is compared to a fresh product to determine its stability.
  • Accelerated studies are used to predict the shelf life of the product when data from a real-time study is not yet readily available.

The assessment is done based on different regulations. Click here to know more about it. This page summarizes the steps involved to plan the shelf life of your product with TECOLAB. Click on each tab below to find the detailed explanation for each step.

Step 1 : Select the assessment guideline
  • TGA (Australia)
  • NPRA (ASEAN Guideline)
  • CIPAC MT 46.3 ( BPR, EU)
Step 2: Determine the assessment details
  1. Storage temperature for real-time and accelerated aging
  2. Storage duration for real-time and accelerated aging
  3. Assessment frequency
  4. Testing parameters
Step 3 : Determine the testing parameters
  1. Physical Analysis
  • Appearance
  • Colour
  • Clarity
  • Odour
  • Homogeneity
  • pH
  • Bottle compatibility

2. Chemical Analysis

  • Determine the concentration of the active substance. The active concentration at the end of the shelf life should not be less than 90% of the initial active concentration claimed on the product label. Click here for the list of chemical analyses available at TECOLAB.

3. Antimicrobial Analysis

  • Suspension or carrier test can be performed to ensure the antimicrobial properties of your disinfectant is within an active range across the product’s shelf life.
Step 4 : Place an order and send your sample to us

Fill in the test request form and place an order via email at info@tecolab-global.com. We will advise on the quantity of sample required for testing.

You can deliver the samples to us via courier and provide us the tracking code. We will monitor the delivery status and inform you when we receive the sample.

Step 5 : Track the status of your request

Once we have received your sample, we will provide a tracking number to you. You can easily track the status of your request here.

Step 6 : Download your password-protected test report

Download your readily available test report online with just a single click using the link and password provided via email notification. We will receive a notification once you have downloaded the test report.

For safety purposes, the uploaded test report will self-destruct after 7 days.

Need assistance with your test report? Discuss your results with our experts for more information.